Ovos Moles com Amêndoa (Eggs & Almond Dessert)

This recipe, Ovos Moles com Amêndoa, is a super simple and quick way to make a really delicious dessert. It contains very simple ingredients and can be made very quickly without any fuss so go ahead and try it and tell us what you think!

– 1 cup of chopped almonds
– 1.5 cups Sugar
– 1/5 cups water
– 8 egg yolks
– 2 eggs

1) In a pot, bring to boil the water and sugar. Stir and simmer for 10 minutes.
2) Past the 10 minutes, remove from heat and let cool slightly. To the syrup, add the egg yolks and eggs.
3) With a wooden spoon or a wire rod, mix the eggs well with the syrup. Bring the pot back on the stove.
4) Cook over low heat without stirring constantly. Soon it begins to thicken, add 2/3 of the almonds and mix. Boil before starting to put out the fire.
5) Place in bowls and let cool.
6) Serve very cold, sprinkled with the remaining almonds.

Enjoy! If you have any issues with making this recipe check out the how-to video below! The directions are also in Portuguese below.

– 100g de amêndoa picada
– 250g de açúcar
– 200 ml de água
– 8 gemas de ovo
– 2 ovos

1) Num tacho, leve ao lume a água e o açúcar. Mexa e deixe ferver durante 10 minutos.
2) Passado os 10 minutos, retire do lume e deixe arrefecer um pouco. À calda de açúcar, adicione as gemas e os ovos.
3) Com uma colher de pau ou uma vara de arames, misture muito bem os ovos com a calda. Leve o tacho novamente ao lume.
4) Deixe cozinhar em lume brando sem parar de mexer. Logo que comece a engrossar, adicione 2/3 da amêndoa e misture.
5) Antes de começar a ferver apague o lume. Coloque em tacinhas e deixe arrefecer.
6) Sirva os ovos moles bem frios, polvilhados com a restante amêndoa.

This recipe by our friends over at Sabor Intenso, so check them out as well!

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