Portuguese Egg Threads (Fios de Ovos)

‘Fios de Ovos’ are a signature dish in Portuguese dessert making. They are basically sweet egg yolks drawn into thin strands like pasta which are cooked in sugar syrup. They are an integral element of both Portuguese and Brazilian cuisine. Like many other egg-based Portuguese sweets,they are believed to have been created by Portuguese monks and nuns around the 15th century. They are very simple, easy to make and sure to impress.

12 egg yolks
1 lbs. sugar
1 cup water

1) Add the sugar and water to a large saucepan. Put in on medium heat and let it cook until it reaches a syrup consistency. Stir it occasionally.
2) Place the egg yolks into a strainer with a long tip at the end.
3) Slowly drizzle the yolks into the sugar syrup. They will cook as you pour them in.
4) When they become cooked remove them from the sugar syrup onto a strainer.
5) Repeat the process until you run out of yolks. Add extra water to the syrup if it gets too thick.
6) Separate the strands with a fork and drizzle with remaining syrup to keep the threads from getting dry.
7) Once you are done, they are ready to serve.

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