All posts in “Desserts”

Honey Cake (Bolo de Mel)

Bolo de Mel, or Honey Cake, is a very traditional dessert in Portuguese cuisine which combines simple and sweet ingredients like molasses and cinnamon powder along with some chopped almonds and walnuts for a richly tasting cake with a unique flavor. This honey cake is perfect for serving with guests and is always sure to impress. Enjoy.
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Almond Carob Cake (Tarte de Alfarroba e Amendôas)

Tarte de Alfarroba e Amendôas is a Almond Carob cake from the southern Portuguese region of the Algarve. The Carob tree is a tree popularly seen all over the Algarve and only grows throughout the Mediterranean regions. The carob pod’s powder has a sweet cocoa like flavor that is perfect for enhancing texture and taste in desserts and can be used as a natural sweetener. This is a richly flavorful and decadent cake that is quite a unique treat.
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Olive Cookies (Biscoitos de Azeite)

Biscoitos de Azeite are sweet Portuguese Olive cookies that are are richly flavored with a great texture. These cookies are one of the more signature and unique dishes in Portuguese cuisine that are truly emblematic of the Mediterranean cuisine. They are really simple and easy to make without much fuss but are sure to impress.
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Fried Pumpkin Cakes (Filhoses de Abóbora)

Filhoses de Abóbora are Portuguese Fried Pumpkin Cakes, it doesn’t get much better than that. These are one of my favorite desserts in all of Portuguese cuisine. They are a lot like malassadas, the most popular version of Portuguese fried dough, but with a unique pumpkin flavored twist. The combination of the sweet crunchy fried dough with a pumpkin scent and flavor, coated in sugar and cinnamon, makes for an unbelievable dessert. They are actually quite simple and easy to make, so go ahead and try these wonderful fried pumpkin treats for yourself.
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Portuguese Peach Tart (Tarte de Pessego)

Tarts are a specialty of Portuguese dessert making. Tarte de Pessego is a Portuguese Peach tart that is perfect to make in the summer months. It is a fruity flavored tart that has the perfect amount of crisp and creamy texture. It is one of my favorite desserts because it is so simple and easy to make without all the fuss, but is sure to impress as well.
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Portuguese Sweet Pasta (Aletria)

Aletria is a Portuguese Sweet Pasta dessert. It is kind of like the pasta version of Arroz Doce, or Sweet Rice. It is quite a unique and traditional dish in Portuguese dessert making. For those with a sweet tooth and love pasta, this is a perfect dessert.
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