All posts in “All Recent Recipes”

Portuguese Grilled Swordfish (Espadarte)

Portuguese Grilled Swordfish, or Espadarte, is a delicious dish in Portuguese cuisine. It is a very popular eat in Portugal being that we have always been a seafaring nation throughout our history. Today we are going to show you a simple & easy way to enjoy one of the more flavorful and tasty dishes in Portuguese cooking, without all the fuss. This fish is truly one of my favorite things to eat and is unbelievably easy to make, so try it out and tell us what you think!
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Portuguese Golden Mountain (Montanha Dourada)

Montanha Dourada, or Golden Mountain, is an unbelievably delicious treat in Portuguese dessert making. It is a widely popular and very traditional dessert that is perfect for those with a sweet tooth like myself and is very easy to make, without all the fuss of a complicated dish. One of the best parts about this dessert is just how great it looks when done, and as you can see in the picture is what gives this Portuguese treat its name. Try it out and tell us what you think!
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Recipe of the Day: Fried Duck and Rice (Pato Frito com Arroz)

Our recipe of the day is a delicious and unique Portuguese duck dish, Pato Frito com Arroz. This dish is quite an exciting variation on Portuguese traditional cuisine but in my opinion, it is one of the most delicious dishes we have to offer. The combination of the texture and richness of the duck meat with the bursting flavor of the garlic and soy sauce makes for a truly unique taste and a wonderful dish that will be sure to impress. It is actually quite easy to make and uses very simple ingredients to make an impressive dish, try it out and tell us what you think!
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Quick & Easy Portuguese Scallops (Vieiras)

Vieiras, or Portuguese scallops, are a very traditional and popular eat in Portuguese cuisine. Being a seafaring nation historically, we Portuguese have mastered the many delicious ways and variations to cook the fish and seafood that are freshly caught. This recipe is a simple & easy way to enjoy delicious fresh scallops without all the fuss. The bursting flavor coming from the sauteed garlic and Himalayan salt makes this an unbelievably delicious dish that you will love. Go ahead and try it out, and tell us what you think!
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Portuguese Chicken and Kale Salad

This is a awesome recipe for a Portuguese style Chicken and Kale Salad. This salad is absolutely delicious, really easy to make, and super healthy for you. It is packed with nutrients from the kale, the most nutritious plant in the world, along with protein from the chicken which makes an amazing fuel for intense training. The combination of the delicious balsamic and olive oil dressing when absorbed and cooked with the chicken makes for a simple yet flavorful dish that you will surely love as much as I do. Try it out, and tell us what you think!
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Portuguese Easter Bread (Folar de Pascoa)

Folar de Pascoa is a traditional Portuguese bread that is made for the Easter holiday and is unique because of the whole egg that it is baked with. I have so many fond memories of enjoying this delicious holiday bread on Easter morning after it was made fresh by my grandmother. The delicious addition of the egg on top always made it such a unique experience every time and really makes this one of the most signature dishes in Portuguese cultural gastronomy. Try this out for the coming Easter and have a great holiday!
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