Portuguese Grilled Swordfish, or Espadarte, is a delicious dish in Portuguese cuisine. It is a very popular eat in Portugal being that we have always been a seafaring nation throughout our history. Today we are going to show you a simple & easy way to enjoy one of the more flavorful and tasty dishes in Portuguese cooking, without all the fuss. This fish is truly one of my favorite things to eat and is unbelievably easy to make, so try it out and tell us what you think!
3 swordfish steaks
8 tablespoons olive oil
5 garlic cloves chopped
2 teaspoons parsley chopped
pinch of salt
1) Place the swordfish steaks in a platter with 3 tablespoons Olive oil to get it ready to grill.
2) Chop the garlic cloves and parsley and add a pinch of salt with 5 tablespoons of Olive Oil to a small bowl and mix together to create a sauce for the swordfish.
3) Place the swordfish steaks on a pan to grill on medium heat.
4) After grilling for about 2-3 minutes, flip the steaks and place the garlic sauce mixture on top of the steaks evenly and let them continue cooking.
5) After cooking the other sides for about 2-3 minutes and letting the steaks brown, they are done.
6) Place the finished steaks on a platter to serve, and enjoy!