Recent Recipes

Portuguese Feijoada

Feijoada is one of the most traditional and historic dishes in Portuguese cuisine. It combines many of the great flavors and ingredients our cuisine has to offer and turns them into a wonderfully delicious mix. It has everything, beans, rice, and delicious meats, and is a hearty and is in our opinion the most awesome way to enjoy Portuguese cuisine. This dish is so delicious and tasty that is has influenced Brazilian cuisine and become the Brazilian national dish of choice. This recipe comes from our fellow Portuguese compatriot Emeril Lagasse over at the Food Network. The recipe is a bit more difficult than the rest of our very simple dishes, but the effort is totally worth the deliciousness at the end, I guaruntee you’ll love it.

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Portuguese Pork Spare Ribs

Recipe for Portuguese Pork Spare Ribs. Pork is one of the most traditional meats that we enjoy in Portuguese cuisine, and this dish is probably the most delicious of them all. Not for the faint of heart, this dish is totally rich in flavor and texture, and because it is really is just so good, we don’t care who knows it. The dish itself is pretty simple to make and many of the ingredients should be pretty easy to find in most kitchens. Continue Reading…

White Beans and Chouriço

White Beans and Chouriço recipe. White Bean dishes are a true staple of a Portuguese diet because of their hearty yet delicious ingredients. The combination of chourico, bacon, garlic, and paprika gives the tender white beans wonderful flavor with a slightly spicy kick. This is a simple and easy to make dish which will surely convert any person to the wonders of Portuguese cuisine.
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Veal Steak ‘Bife à Café

This dish is a unique twist on the traditional bife de vitela, or veal steak. It is one that adds the interesting flavors of coffee with the rich taste of a veal steak. This is one of our favorite dishes, and hopefully you will enjoy this as much as we do!.

– 1 tender veal steak
– 30 grams of butter
– 1 clove crushed garlic
– 1 small bay leaf
– 125 ml cream
– 1 teaspoon full of coffee
– Salt as needed
– Pepper as needed
– handfull of Coffee beans

1) Season the steak on both sides with salt.
2) In a pan, bring to boil butter and garlic. Fry a little.
3) Stir in the beef and fry on both sides while burning fat.
4) Stir the cream with the coffee, season with pepper and stir well until well mixed.
5) Add the bay leaf.
6) After the steak is fried, remove the garlic.
6) Add the coffee mixture, stir well and wrap the steak in sauce.
7) Soon it begins to boil and the sauce is ascertained, turn off the heat.
8) Serve the steak garnished with coffee beans and served with fries.

Enjoy! If you have any questions or comments about this recipe please say them in the comment box below!
This recipe comes our friends over at Receitas Portuguesas. They have some really wonderful and delicious Portuguese recipes so check them out!

Torta de Limão (Lemon Pie)

Torta de Limão, Lemon Pie recipe. This recipe is a wonderful dish for those with a real sweet tooth. It happens to be one of my favorite desserts, as the flavor is so rich while the texture is absolutely perfect for a zesty lemon treat.

– 8 eggs
– 3/4 cups Sugar
– Butter for greasing
– Zest of 1 lemon
– juice of 1 and a half lemons
– 2 tablespoons flour
– 4 tablespoons melted butter
– Half lemon cut into half moon slices
– Tracing paper
– Sugar for dusting

1) Grease a rectangular tray from the oven with some butter.
2) Line the pan with parchment paper and grease it with some butter. In a bowl, mix the sugar with the flour.
3) Add the eggs and stir well.
4) Stir in the lemon zest and lemon juice. Stir well. Finally, add the 4 tablespoons butter to the mix.
5) Put the mix in the pan and bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees 20 to 25 minutes.
6) After the pie has been cooked without getting too dry, remove from oven.
7) Sprinkle cake with sugar.
8) Allow to cool and place in a pie dish.
9) Garnish with slices of lemon, serve and enjoy!

Enjoy! If you have any questions or comments about this recipe please say them in the comment box below!
This recipe comes our friends over at Receitas Portuguesas. They have some really wonderful and delicious Portuguese recipes so check them out!

– 8 ovos
– O peso dos ovos em açúcar
– Raspa de 1 limão
– Sumo de 1 limão e meio
– 2 colheres de sopa de farinha
– 4 colheres de sopa de margarina derretida
– Meio limão cortado em rodelas meia-lua
– Margarina para untar
– Papel vegetal
– Açúcar para polvilhar

Unte um tabuleiro rectangular de ir ao forno com margarina. Forre o tabuleiro com papel vegetal e unte-o com margarina.
Numa tigela, misture o açúcar com a farinha. Junte os ovos e mexa muito bem.
Junte a raspa de limão e o sumo de limão. Mexa bem. Por fim, junte a margarina e misture tudo.
Coloque o preparado no tabuleiro e leve ao forno pré-aquecido nos 180º entre 20 a 25 minutos.
Depois da torta cozida sem ficar muito seca, retire do forno.
Polvilhe um pano com açúcar e por cima desenforme a torta.
Com cuidado, enrole o pano e aconchegue bem.
Deixe arrefecer e coloque a torta num prato próprio.
Decore com as rodelas meia-lua de limão e está pronta a servir.